El deixeble d’un Mestre Zen va preguntar:
- Mestre, és possible caminar sobre les aigües? I el mestre va respondre:
- Tard o dora, si entrenéssim, podríem caminar sobre les aigües.
Ara bé, el que és molt difícil és caminar sobre
el present. En el futur només hi ha la nostra ment. En el passat el nostre cor.
En el present...
En el present només hi ha el cos.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The original meaning of border is a barrier that is presented in front of us and represents the frontal part of an opposing territory. The border is a social transit between two cultures. Restricted to the political sphere, this term refers to a region or strip, while the term limit is linked to an imaginary conception.
In collaboration and support of Skånes Dansteater, Indra Dance Company, Zamdart Dance Company and Bebeto Cidra Cia. Time: 60min aprox
Direction & choreography: Bebeto Cidra
Creation & interpretation: Daniel Navarro Lorenzo, Anna Borràs and Elisabeth Duran Canal
Lighting: Sergi Nicolau
Costums: Sarah Riera
Creation of the project, Production, distribution and idea: Elisabeth Duran Canal
Video: Xevi Vila
Graphic design: Daniel Navarro Lorenzo
Photography: Sergi López
Co-production: Indra Dance Company, Cia de dansa Bebeto Cidra & Skånes Dansteater
Special thanks: Santi Calvó Verdaguer, Ajuntament de Castelldefels, Escola municipal de dansa de Castelldefels and Teatre Plaza.